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Whispers Among the Willows

In her debut fantasy novel, Whispers Among the Willows, Sarah takes you on a journey across the kingdoms of Lios and Skahl – realms consisting of only light or dark. Wyn and her sister Addie are typical twenty-somethings trying to live their life quietly in the village of Selvedge. That is, until a cryptic and vague whisp travels among the winds putting into action a series of events. They journey to the capital to find answers but are met with only more questions as well as a dark and mysterious stranger. Will Wyn follow the one she hardly knows to find the answers she needs to save her family? Or will she stay on familiar grounds but potentially lose everything? The novel consists of immense world-building, beautiful sister relationships, a bit of romance, a brooding MMC, lots of banter, and, yes, even some dragons. Publication TBD.

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