12 July 6:00 pm

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Join us for a presentation with local author, Sarah Lamagna, of her new book “Hiking with Kids New England: 50 Great Hikes for Families”, published by Falcon Guides.


Hiking with Kids New England offers up new and exciting adventures for parents and their elementary school-age kids alike. Organized around location, for ease of knocking out all of those "bucket list" places, the book features 50 day hike locations, with each hike featuring color photos and a map. As is standard with FalconGuides, all the basic information--from trailhead GPS to best times to go to fees and contacts--will be there, along with trail descriptions geared directly for the kids.

A fun, interactive presentation that *might* (wink wink) involve some M&Ms and bubbles. Sarah will be available to sign books as well.

Sarah will take up any burning questions you might have when it comes to getting your kiddos outdoors. After decades of adventuring and doing over 400 hikes with her own kid, she knows the ins and outs of getting those kids on the trail.

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